We understand and appreciate that taking the first step and making a call for initial consultation can be a difficult task for some individuals.

At FOS ABA Centre, we want every parent and child to feel at ease when walking through our doors. Once you have made your appointment, one of our dedicated staffs will call you to discuss the appointment and book a session with you and our professional.

The initial consultation appointments will help the clinic decide what is the best course of action to take, that will benefit every individual. The clinician will meet with you for child appointments. The clinician may meet with the child and family either together or separately. This assessment will usually take an hour but please allow a little longer when planning your visit with us as at times your appointment may last a little longer.

The initial meeting will include asking questions about the child's development and milestones, school progress (for child and adolescents), general health, relevant family history, and will aim to clarify the reasons for the initial consultation. Additional questions about medications, feelings and behaviour might be asked if required.

We will then recommend the next phase of the process, usually a comprehensive assessment to determine the functional skills set of the child as well as determining every other condition responsible for the primary reason for referral.