Welcome to FOS ABA Centre & Creative Hub

At FOS ABA Centre & Creative Hub, we believe that every child with developmental delays, autism and related conditions, deserves early and urgent attention and individualised intensive teaching, to accelerate learning. This learning is essential to ensure they bridge the gaps in their development. We are committed and trained to give every child from infancy to eight years old, the greatest chance of leading a happy and fulfilled life, and to helping them learn more effectively through the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis.

Our services will involve an individual, unique, and comprehensive treatment approach where ABA, Speech & Occupational therapy all working together form the initial evaluation to intervention, we collaborate with families, therapists, and the school.

Founder and Creative Director
parents choose us

Why FOS ABA Centre & Creative Hub


Years of Experience


Qualified Teachers


Happy Children


Total Activities

Our Mission

To provide therapeutic treatments to neurodivergent children with LOVE and acceptance in a safe, supportive, and least restrictive environment based on the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis Therapy.

Our Vision

To create an environment where all children are accepted, included and nurtured for the full expression of their God's given gifts.

L - isten

We listen to our children… oh yes we hear clearly their non-verbal communication… and in listening to them we get to know them.

O - bserve

We keenly observe our children to know what motivates them, to identify how to connect with them, to discover their unique needs and strengths.

V - alue

We value the difference that comes with being neurodivergent and we take responsibility in the progress of our children through hard work, patience, confidence, and compassion.

E - mpathy

We put ourselves in the shoes of our children making us understand their struggles in meeting set goals.

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